Facts about Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Facts about the Great English Poet with a concise Biography

Facts About Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Increase your knowledge of facts about Elizabeth Barrett Browning with some brief, but essential events, and important information about this great writer. You will find many of the amazing facts, data and info in a fast but comprehensive format providing facts about Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Interesting facts and details about this great poet and author together with interesting historical facts about their life and their family. Fast and concise facts and information about Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Concise Biography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Nationality - English
Lifespan - 1806-1861
Family - Father was a merchant (a millionaire)
Married Poet Robert Browning in 1846
Education - Tutored at Home
Career - Poet and Translator - First Published in 1833

Famous Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
How Do I Love Thee? 
If thou must love me, let it be for nought
Sonnets from the Portuguese

Biography details about Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Elizabeth came from a large extremely wealthy family immortalised in the movie starring Charles Laughton entitled the ' Barretts of Wimpole Street '. She was the sickly child of her many brothers and sisters but the favourite of her strict father. Much of her time was spent in her room due to a spinal injury and she began to write poetry as she was unable to leave the house. Her main source of company was her dog, Flush, to whom she dedicated one of her poems. Her interest in poetry lead to her reading some of the works of Robert Browning. They eventually met and fell in love. Her jealous tyrannical father was much against the idea of marriage, but Robert and Elizabeth, determined lovers, eloped and led a happily married life in Italy.

Fast Facts about Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Important, interesting and Fast facts and info about Elizabeth Barrett Browning! We have fast facts & details about all the main information you will require about Elizabeth Barrett Browning ! The concise and fun data provided about Elizabeth Barrett Browning is full of interesting information about this popular author and poet! The internet is a great resource for information - you don't even need to go to the library to get a fast fact about this famous author! No more fines - just select a topic - read it, get your facts and then throw it away - better still create your own folder, or book, of interesting information! Great for homework, or projects, an ideal Educational Resource for fast facts about Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Sonnets from the Portuguese - Poet - Poems - Author - Biography - Facts - Information - Husband Robert

Arts and Literature Index

Interesting - Fast Facts about - Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Important - Fast - Quick - Brief - Interesting - Historical - Fun - Children - Educational Resource - Elizabeth Barrett Browning - History - Historical - Writer - Author - Playwright - Poet - Dramatist - Information - Fast - Info - List - Top Ten - Bio - Fast Information - Short - Concise - Biography - Info - Writer - Author - Playwright - Poet - Dramatist - Elizabeth Barrett Browningfacts - Written By Linda Alchin