Facts about Louis Armstrong

Interesting Facts about Louis Armstrong aka "Satchmo"

Interesting Facts about Louis Armstrong aka "Satchmo"
Unusual and interesting facts, information and trivia on famous composers from our collection of interesting facts about Louis Armstrong. The life and times of Louis Armstrong. Perfect for fast homework help on facts about famous composers that is suitable for kids, children and adults.

Did you Know? List of Interesting Facts about Louis Armstrong aka "Satchmo"
Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about Louis Armstrong, trivia and information, including some useful details of facts about the life events of this famous composer will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults. Interesting Facts about this famous classical composer and musician
are as follows:

  • Fact 1 - Accomplishments and reasons Louis Armstrong is famous: Composer and jazz musician - he was one of the leading jazz musicians of the 20th century aka "Satchmo"
  • Fact 2 - Date of Birth: Louis Armstrong was born on August 4, 1901
  • Fact 3 - Place of Birth: New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Fact 4 - Full Name:  aka "Satchmo" or "Pops". Nickname: "Satchmo" (which is short for "Satchel mouth" referring to the size of his mouth)
  • Fact 5 - Lifespan: 1901 - 1971
  • Fact 6 - Name of mother and father: His parents names were William Armstrong and Mary Albert Armstrong
  • Fact 7 - Family background: Louis Armstrong was the grandson of slaves and born to a poor family. His father left the family and Louis Armstrong was raised by his mother and grandmother
  • Fact 8 - Childhood and education: Louis Armstrong was educated at the Fisk School for Boys.  A musician named Joe "King" Oliver taught Louis to play the cornet
  • Fact 9 - Louis Armstrong was sent to a Colored Waifs’ Home for delinquency but given cornet lessons by Professor Peter Davis
  • Fact 10 - Louis Armstrong worked on steamboats, as a coalman and then started playing in night clubs
  • Fact 11 - Louis Armstrong married Daisy Parker on March 19 1918 which ended in divorce then married Lillian (Lil) Hardin in 1922
  • Fact 12 - Louis Armstrong played with the Tuxedo Brass Band, Fletcher Henderson band and in the New Cotton Club
  • Fact 13 - Louis Armstrong formed various bands, became successful and had a career in the movies including 'High Society' with Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra and 'Hello Dolly' woth Brabra Streisand
  • Fact 14 - Louis Armstrong spoke out against racial discrimination
  • Fact 15 - His last hit was "What a Wonderful World"
  • Fact 16 - Date of Death: Louis Armstrong died on July 6, 1971 (aged 69) at Corona, Queens, New York City

Facts about Louis Armstrong aka "Satchmo"
We have included a selection of trivia and interesting facts about Louis Armstrong which we hope will be of help with homework about famous composers. Most of these interesting facts about Louis Armstrong are quite amazing and some are little known pieces of trivia about the life and times of Louis Armstrong! Many of these interesting and random pieces of information on this famous composer and musician will help you increase your knowledge on the subject of Louis Armstrong aka "Satchmo".

Facts about Louis Armstrong aka "Satchmo"

  • Interesting life events and facts about Louis Armstrong aka "Satchmo"
  • List of life events, facts and trivia about this famous composer and musician
  • Interesting info and facts for kids and children
  • Fast Facts and Information on the life of this famous composer and musician
  • Awesome, cool facts for Homework Help
  • Fun, random facts and trivia
  • Interesting facts about the life of Louis Armstrong aka "Satchmo"

Information, Stats and Interesting Facts about Louis Armstrong aka "Satchmo"

Interesting - Facts about Louis Armstrong - Fun Facts - Life - Musician - Composer - Famous - Events - Interesting - List - Facts - Awesome - Random - Fun - Information - Life History - Info - Information - Musician - Composer - Famous - Weird - Strange - Accuracy - Cool - Omg - Little Known - True - Knowledge - Reference Facts - Homework Help - Life events - Fact Check - Fact File - Fact Sheet - Trivia - Children - Kids - Fast - Online - Free - On Line - Definition - Data - Life - Musician - Composer - Famous - Facts about Louis Armstrong - Written By Linda Alchin

Information and Interesting Facts about Louis Armstrong aka "Satchmo"

Interesting Facts about Louis Armstrong aka "Satchmo"