Facts about Vivaldi

Interesting Facts about Vivaldi

Interesting Facts about Vivaldi
Unusual and interesting facts, information and trivia on famous composers from our collection of interesting facts about Vivaldi. The life and times of Vivaldi. Perfect for fast homework help on facts about famous composers that is suitable for kids, children and adults.

Did you Know? List of Interesting Facts about Vivaldi
Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about Vivaldi, trivia and information, including some useful details of facts about the life events of this famous composer will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults. Interesting Facts about this famous classical
Baroque Period Composer
are as follows:

  • Fact 1 - Accomplishments and reasons Vivaldi is famous: Classical Composer and musician - he was one of the leading musicians of the Baroque period
  • Fact 2 - Date of Birth: Vivaldi was born on March 4, 1678
  • Fact 3 - Place of Birth: Venice, Italy
  • Fact 4 - Full Name: Antonio Vivaldi
  • Fact 5 - Lifespan: 1678-1741
  • Fact 6 - Name of mother and father: His parents names were Giovanni Battista Vivaldi and Camilla Calicchio.  Antonio Vivaldi was the oldest of 5 surviving children
  • Fact 7 - Family background: Giovanni Battista Vivaldi was a barber before becoming a professional violinist
  • Fact 8 - Childhood and education: His father taught him to play the violin when he was very young and together they toured Venice.
  • Fact 9 - Antonio Vivaldi entered into priesthood in 1693 but withdrew in 1706 claiming ill health but it was believed that he wanted to pursue his musical career
  • Fact 10 - He was appointed as a music teacher at an orphanage
  • Fact 11 - He was appointed as the conductor of the orchestra at Pieta
  • Fact 12 - Vivaldi travelled to various cities in Italy to direct performances of his operas
  • Fact 13 - Vivaldi met the singer Anna Giraud and she moved in to live with him although Vivaldi maintained that she was no more than a housekeeper and good friend
  • Fact 14 - Vivaldi had more than 700 musical works
  • Fact 15 - Vivaldi suffered from asthmatic bronchitis which it is believed was his cause of death
  • Fact 16 - He published his concerto 'The Four Seasons' in 1725
  • Fact 17 - Date of Death: He died on July 28, 1741 in Vienna - was given a pauper's burial
  • Fact 18 - He was nicknamed Il Prete Rosso, meaning 'The Red Priest,'
  • Fact 19 - His music lives on and the musical works of Vivaldi include the following:
    • La Quattro Stagione (The Four Seasons).
      L'Estro Armonico
      La Stravaganza
      Gloria, RV589
      Concerto for Mandolin

Facts about Vivaldi
We have included a selection of trivia and interesting facts about Vivaldi which we hope will be of help with homework about famous composers. Most of these interesting facts about Vivaldi are quite amazing and some are little known pieces of trivia about the life and times of Vivaldi! Many of these interesting and random pieces of information on this famous composer and musician will help you increase your knowledge on the subject of Vivaldi.

Facts about Vivaldi

  • Interesting life events and facts about Vivaldi
  • List of life events, facts and trivia about this famous composer and musician
  • Interesting info and facts for kids and children
  • Fast Facts and Information on the life of this famous composer and musician
  • Awesome, cool facts for Homework Help
  • Fun, random facts and trivia
  • Interesting facts about the life of Vivaldi

Information, Stats and Interesting Facts about Vivaldi

Interesting - Facts about Vivaldi - Fun Facts - Life - Musician - Composer - Famous - Events - Interesting - List - Facts - Awesome - Random - Fun - Information - Life History - Info - Information - Musician - Composer - Famous - Weird - Strange - Accuracy - Cool - Omg - Little Known - True - Knowledge - Reference Facts - Homework Help - Life events - Fact Check - Fact File - Fact Sheet - Trivia - Children - Kids - Fast - Online - Free - On Line - Definition - Data - Life - Musician - Composer - Famous - Facts about Vivaldi - Written By Linda Alchin

Information and Interesting Facts about Vivaldi

Interesting Facts about Vivaldi