Facts about Peridots

Interesting Facts about Peridots
A gemstone and birthstone

Interesting Facts about Peridots
Unusual and interesting information and trivia from our collection of interesting facts about Peridots. Interesting and concise facts about Peridots including their definition and meanings. Brief and concise facts which will answer your questions and provide facts about all different aspects of Peridots including details of this gemstone and birthstone.

Did you Know? List of Interesting Facts about Peridots
Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about Peridots, trivia and information, including some useful statistics about this gemstone and birthstone will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults. It is a wise person who learns about the gem before you buy jewelry. Interesting Facts about Peridots
are as follows:

  • Fact 1 - Definition: Peridots (magnesium iron silicate) are pale green variety of chrysolite and used as a gemstone. It is also referred to as "poor man's emerald"

  • Fact 2 - The origin of the name Peridot is derived from the Greek word "faridat " which means "gem"
  • Fact 3 - Peridots are one of the few gemstones that come in only one color - pale green
  • Fact 4 - The Peridot is the birthstone of the month of August which relates to the Zodiac Sign of Leo. Leo dates: July 23 - August 23
  • Fact 5 - The alternative Birthstones for Leo are Onyx, Diamonds, Carnelians, Sardonyx and Rubies
  • Fact 6 - The symbolism associated with Peridots is as follows:
    • Love

    • Truth
    • Faithfulness
    • Loyalty
  • Fact 7 - Peridots are also the Wedding anniversary gemstone and are given as gifts for the 16th year of marriage
  • Fact 8 - Peridots come in a vast range of natural shades including lime, yellowish green, olive green or medium dark green. The depth of green depends on how much iron is contained in the crystal structure.
  • Fact 9 - The color is mainly determined and caused by the gem's selective absorption of certain wavelengths of light called the body color.
  • Fact 10 - The colors of the Peridot gem consist of three components, the hue, tone and saturation:
    • The Hue which gives the first impression of the color

    • The Tone which relates to the the lightness or darkness of the color of the Peridot ranging from light to medium to dark
    • The saturation which relates to the intensity of the Peridot's color, which is measured from dull to strong to vivid
  • Fact 11 - All gemstones, including Peridots, are graded by color, cut, clarity and carat weight
  • Fact 12 - The tradition of giving gifts of birthstone jewelry containing Peridots dates back many hundreds of years
  • Fact 13 - There are specific birthstones and gemstones, such as Peridots, which are traditionally given according to the month that a person is born
  • Fact 14 - Pure crystals of Peridot are used as gemstones. The crystal structure of Peridots is orthorhombic

Facts about Peridots
We have included a selection of trivia and interesting facts about Peridots, this famous gemstone and birthstone. Most of these interesting facts about Peridots are quite amazing and some are little known pieces of trivia! Many of these interesting and random pieces of information, facts and info will help you increase your knowledge on the subject of gemstones and birthstones.

Facts about Peridots

  • Interesting facts and information about Peridots
  • List of stats, trivia and facts about Peridots, precious jewels and the birthstone and gemstone
  • Interesting Facts for kids and children
  • Fast Facts about Peridots and Information about jewelry and this gemstone and birthstone
  • Awesome, cool facts for Homework Help
  • Interesting facts about Peridots and info about precious jewelry and this gemstone and birthstone

Information, Stats and Interesting Facts about Peridots

Interesting - Facts about Peridots - Interesting - List - Facts about Birthstones - Gem - Gemstone - Stone - Jewwelry - Jewellry - Interesting - Colors - History - Definition - Random - Fun - Information - Info - Information - Weird - Strange - Birthstone - Gem - Stones - Colors - History - Interesting - Accuracy - Cool - Omg - Little Known - True - Knowledge - Birthstones - Gems - Stones - Colors - Interesting - History - Reference - Fact File - Fact Sheet - Trivia - Fast - Online - Birthstones - Gem - Interesting - Stone - Color - History - Free - On Line - Definition - Gemstone - Facts about Peridots - Written By Linda Alchin

Information and Interesting Facts about Peridots

Interesting Facts about Peridots

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