Facts & Info About Spiders Increase your knowledge of Facts about the Spider with some brief, but essential information & fast facts about this fascinating insect. Important facts, data and info containing details of the description, name origins and habitat of Spiders. Where they live and what they eat! Discover what their lives are like! A mixture of Factual information together with cool, fun, strange, amazing, weird and even funny facts about Spiders. A detailed Fact Sheet covering a whole host of topics and Spider facts! Have Fun! For additional Facts and information about spiders we highly recommend: Types of Spiders
Facts about Spiders
Fact 1 about Spiders - Arachnids have two body parts, the abdomen and the thorax
Fact 2 about Spiders - They have 8 legs, have no wings or antennae. They have either six or eight eyes! At the tip of their abdomen, they have silk spinning glands called spinnerets. Spiders have 8 legs with 6 joints, that means they have 48 knees!! Spiders have claws at the end of their legs
Fact 3 about Spiders - There are more than 40,000 species of spider
Fact 4 about Spiders - All types of spiders, except Uloboridae, are poisonous!
Fact 5 about Spiders - Males are usually smaller than females
Fact 6 - Spiders have fangs, through which venom is ejected. Their bites can be very painful and some can be fatal!
Fact 7 about Spiders - Webs get dirty and easily torn - new webs are often made every day! Old spider webs are rolled up and eaten! But not all spiders spin webs.
Fact 8 about Spiders - Spider silk is twice as strong as steel on an equal weight basis and the strongest material known
Fact 9 about Spiders - Arachnophobia is the term used for fear of spiders. Arachnophobia is one of the most common fears around the world
Fact 10 about Spiders - Spiders eat all different types of harmful insects and pests
Fact 11 about Spiders - The word spider come from an old English verb spinnan, this means "to spin"
Fact 12 about Spiders - Tarantula bites are rarely fatal. Some tarantula bites are like bee stings
Fact 13 about Spiders - Some female species of spiders sacrifice their bodies as food for their offspring
More Facts about Spiders Fact 14 - Fried spiders taste like nuts!
Fact 15 - Spiders have been on the planet for around 350,00 years Fact 16 - The most dangerous spider in the world is the Australian Funnel spider
Fact 17 - Spiders enemies are humans, weather, frogs, toads, lizards, birds, shrews, hunting beetles, ants, centipedes, parasitic flies, wasps, fungus and other spiders
Fact 18 - People eating spiders when they are a sleep is a myth!
What does that word mean?? Some fascinating information & facts about the words that are often used to describe animals! Read the information and decide how Spiders should be described!
What is a Mammal?
A Mammal is a warm blooded, vertebrate mammal. Warm blooded means that their temperature remains the same although their surroundings might change. This explains why they have a covering of hair on their skin. A mammal has milk-producing mammary glands for nourishing their young
What is a Vertebrate?
A Vertebrate is an animal that has a backbone which consists of ring-like bones, called vertebrae, that protect the soft spinal cord
What is an Invertebrate?
An Invertebrate animal does not have a backbone. They are also cold-blooded which means their body temperature changes according to the environment environment
What is a Carnivore?
A Carnivore is an animal which eats mainly meat
What is a Herbivore?
A Herbivore is an animal which eats mainly plants and grass
What is an Omnivore?
An Omnivore is an animal which eats both meat and plants
What is an Amphibian?
An Amphibian is an animal spend part of its life under water (breathing with gills) and the remainder on land (breathing with lungs)
Some fascinating information & facts about the words that are often used to describe animals! Read the information and decide how a Spiders should be described!
Endangered Species Wild life experts consider that small Spiders are not an endangered species, unlike some of the large Spiders An endangered species is one that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. The Causes of a species of animal becoming endangered are due to Habitat Destruction such as the rainforest, introduction of exotic species, disease, water pollution, global warming and over exploitation of natural resources. As people are made aware of the facts about endangered species, initiatives such as Recycling are increasing in popularity. Endangered Species Organizations are dedicated to saving and preserving the world's most endangered wildlife. Interesting facts about Endangered Species.
Spiders Facts and Information about Spiders We hope that the selection of Facts about Spiders has provided you with the information you have been searching for! A mixture of Factual information together with cool, fun, strange, amazing, weird and even funny facts about this amazing animal. A detailed Fact Sheet covering a whole host of topics information and facts about Spiders. We believe that the concise and fun facts provided are full of interesting information about this popular animal! The internet is a great resource for information - you don't even need to go to the library to get fast facts about Spiders! No more fines - just select a topic - read it, get your facts and then throw it away - better still create your own folder, or book, of interesting information about Spiders! Great for homework, or projects, an ideal Educational Resource about Spiders!