Facts about the Old Testament

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Facts about the Old Testament
Unusual and interesting information from our collection of interesting trivia and facts about the Old Testament. Perfect for Bible Study or fast homework help that is suitable for kids, children and adults.

Did you Know? List of Interesting Facts about the Old Testament
Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about the Old Testament, trivia and information, including some useful statistics will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults. Interesting Facts about the Old Testament
are as follows:

  • Fact 1 - The Old Testament refers to the books that form the first of the two-part Christian Biblical canon
  • Fact 2 - The Old Testament is the first 39 books of the 66 books in the Bible
  • Fact 3 - The books begin with Genesis and end with Malachi.
  • Fact 4 - It has 23,214 verses
  • Fact 5 - The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew and were written and compiled between the 12th and the 2nd century BC.
  • Fact 6 -  The number of words total 602,585.
  • Fact 7 - Famous names of men in this part of the Bible include Adam, Cain and Abel, Moses, Joseph, Job, Jonah, Daniel, Jacob and Noah.
  • Fact 8 - Famous names of women in this part of the Bible include Ruth, Esther, Mary, Delilah, Hannah and Naomi.
  • Fact 9 - The great stories of the Old Testament include those such as the story of Adam and Eve, Moses and Jonah and the whale.
  • Fact 10 - The Major prophets include Isaiah, Jeremiah, Baruch, Ezekiel and Daniel.
  • Fact 11 - The Minor prophets (the Twelve Prophets) include Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.
  • Fact 12 - The Longest book is Psalms
  • Fact 13 - The Longest chapter is Psalms 119
  • Fact 14 - The smallest Book is Obadiah
  • Fact 15 - The Shortest verse is 1 Chronicles 1:25

Facts about the Old Testament
We have included an interesting selection of trivia facts about the Old Testament which we hope will be of interest Most of these trivia facts about the Old Testament are quite amazing and some are little known! Many of these little known and random pieces of information and fun facts about the Old Testament and info will help you increase your knowledge of this subject.

Facts about the Old Testament

  • Interesting facts about the Old Testament
  • List of stats, trivia and facts about the Old Testament
  • Suitable Facts for kids and children
  • Fast Facts and Information
  • Awesome, cool facts for Homework Help
  • Fun, random trivia and facts about the Old Testament
  • Suitable for Bible Study
  • Interesting facts about the Old Testament

Interesting Information, Stats and Facts about the Old Testament

Interesting - Facts about the Old Testament - Interesting - List - the Old Testament Fact - Random - Fun - Information - Info - Information - Weird - Strange - Accuracy - Cool - Omg - Little Known - True - Knowledge - Reference - Homework Help - Statistics - Fact Check - Fact File - Fact Sheet - Trivia - Children - Kids - Fast - Online - Free - On Line - Definition - Data - Stats - Facts about the Old Testament - Written By Linda Alchin

Information and Interesting Facts about the Old Testament

Facts about the Old Testament

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