Algerian History Timeline & Facts

Information & facts about Algerian History with a Timeline

Algerian History Timeline & Facts

The Algerian History Timeline & Facts is full of interesting facts and history about the bygone times of  the Algerian Nation. A clear and concise list of dates, history and events in chronological order. The Algerian History Timeline & Facts outlines and records all of the critical and major incidents in the history of the nation. History, Dates, Kings, Leaders and Wars are all mentioned in the Algerian History Timeline & Facts. The Algerian History Timeline & Facts provides a brief and interesting historical record of facts about different events in history.


Algerian History Timeline & Facts

The earliest human ancestry (Homo erectus and Homo habilis) lived in East Africa more than 2 million years ago
700AD - Arabian and Persians trade with ivory, rhino horn, gold, shells and slaves
Arab traders settle and bring a Muslim influence to the culture
1830 - The French occupation of Algeria begins
1954 - 1962 - The Algerian War of Independence.

Algerian History Time line

Algerian History Timeline & Facts
We hope that the Algerian History Timeline & Facts has provided you with the information you have been searching for. We believe that the concise Algerian History Timeline & Facts is full of interesting facts and history about the bygone times of  the Algerian Nation. Facts and info about the Kings and Wars all detailed in the Algerian History Timeline & Facts. Tales and stories of Heroes and Villains treachery, betrayal, love, hate and loyalty are all highlighted in Algerian History Timeline & Facts!


Algerian History Timeline & Facts

History Timelines and Events Index

Interesting - Algerian - History - Timeline - Timelines - Facts about Algerian - Cool - Interesting - List - Facts - Info - Information - Brief - Interesting - Weird - Amazing - Great - Wars - War - Kings - Queens - Invasion - Monarchy - Royalty - Timeline - Timelines - Facts - Interesting - List - Algerian - History - Algerian - Timeline - Algerian - Facts - Interesting - List - Famous - Great - Events - Description - Important - Critical - Ancient History - Algerian - History - Algerian - Timeline - Algerian - Facts - Interesting - List - Timeline - Timeline - Algerian - Background - History - Algerian - History - Timeline - Timelines - Facts about Algerian - Cool - Interesting - List - Interesting - Fast - Timeline - Algerian - Timeline - Timelines - Facts about Algerian - Cool - Interesting - List - Humanities - Timeline - Time line - Timeline - Time line - Knowledge - Life - Catalog - Middle Ages - Past History - Timeline - Time line - Timeline - Time line - Past Times - Portrayal - Profile - Yesterday - Yesteryear - Algerian - History - Chronology - Timeline - Timelines - Facts about Algerian - Cool - Interesting - Cool - Fast - Written By Linda Alchin