Random Facts about the Language of Flowers LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS Acacia--Concealed love Adonis Vernalis--Sorrowful remembrances Almond--Hope Aloe--Religious superstition Alyssum, Sweet--Worth beyond beauty Ambrosia--Love returned Apple Blossom--Preference Arbor Vitae--Unchanging friendship Bachelor's button--Hope in love Balsam--Impatience Begonia--Deformity Bellflower--Gratitude Belvidere, Wild (Licorice)--I declare against you Blue Bell--I will be constant Box--Stoical indifference Briers--Envy Burdock--Touch me not Cactus--Thou leavest not Camellia--Pity Candytuft--Indifference Canterbury Bell--Gratitude Cape Jessamine--Ecstasy; transport Calla Lily--Feminine beauty Carnation (Yellow)--Disdain Cedar--I live for thee China Aster--I will see about it Chrysanthemum Rose--I love Cowslip--Pensiveness Cypress--Mourning Crocus--Cheerfulness Cypress and Marigold--Despair Daffodil--Chivalry Dahlia--Forever thine Daisy (Garden)--I partake your sentiment Daisy (Wild)--I will think of it Dandelion--Coquetry Dead Leaves--Sadness Dock--Patience Dodder--Meanness Dogwood--Am I indifferent to you? Ebony--Hypocrisy Eglantine--I wound to heal Elder--Compassion Endive--Frugality Evening Primrose--Inconstancy Evergreen--Poverty Everlasting--Perpetual remembrance Fennel--Strength Filbert--Reconciliation Fir-tree--Elevation Flux--I feel your kindness Forget-me-not--True love; remembrance Fox-glove--Insincerity Furze--Anger Fuchsia--Taste Gentian--Intrinsic worth Geranium, Ivy--Your hand for the next dance Geranium, Nutmeg--I expect a meeting Geranium, Oak--Lady, deign to smile Geranium, Rose--Preference Geranium, Silver leaf--Recall Gilliflower--Lasting beauty Gladiolus--Ready; armed Golden Rod--Encouragement Gorse--Endearing affection. Gass--Utility Harebell--Grief Hawthorn--Hope Hazel--Recollection Hartsease--Think of me Heliotrope--Devotion Henbane--Blemish Holly--Foresight Hollyhock--Fruitfulness Hollyhock, White--Female ambition Honeysuckle--Bond of Love Honeysuckle, Coral--The color of my fate Hyacinth--Jealousy Hyacinth, Blue--Constancy Hyacinth, Purple--Sorrow Hydrangea--Heartlessness Ice plant--Your looks freeze me Iris--Message Ivy--Friendship; matrimony Jessamine, Cape--Transient joy; ecstasy Jessamine, White--Amiability Jessamine, Yellow--Grace; elegance Jonquil--I desire a return of affection Juniper--Asylum; shelter Justitia--Perfection of loveliness Kalmia (Mountain Laurel)--Treachery Kannedia--Mental beauty Laburnum--Pensive beauty Lady's Slipper--Capricious beauty Larch--Boldness Larkspur--Fickleness Laurel--Glory Lavender--Distrust Lettuce--Cold-hearted Lilac--First emotion of love Lily--Purity; modesty Lily of the Valley--Return of happiness Lily, Day--Coquetry, Lily, Water--Eloquence Lily, Yellow--Falsehood Locust--Affection beyond the grave Love in a Mist--You puzzle me Love Lies Bleeding--Hopeless, not heartless Lupine--Imagination Mallow--Sweetness; mildness Maple--Reserve Marigold--Cruelty Marjoram--Blushes Marvel of Peru (Four O'clocks)--Timidity Mint--Virtue Mignonette--Your qualities surpass your charms Mistletoe--I surmount all difficulties Mock Orange (Syringa)--Counterfeit Morning Glory--Coquetry Maiden's Hair--Discretion Magnolia, Grandiflora--Peerless and proud Magnolia, Swamp--Perseverance Moss--Maternal love Motherwort--Secret love Mourning Bride--Unfortunate attachment Mulberry, Black--I will not survive you Mulberry, White--Wisdom Mushroom--Suspicion Musk-plant--Weakness Myrtle--Love faithful in absence Narcissus--Egotism Nasturtium--Patriotism Nettle--Cruelty; slander Night Blooming Cereus--Transient beauty Nightshade--Bitter truth Oak--Hospitality Oats--Music Oleander--Beware Olive-branch--Peace Orange-flower--Chastity Orchis--Beauty Osier--Frankness Osmunda--Dreams Pansy--Think of me Parsley--Entertainment; feasting Passion-flower--Religious fervor; susceptibility Pea, Sweet--Departure Peach Blossom--This heart is thine Peony--Anger. Pennyroyal--Flee away Periwinkle--Sweet remembrances Petunia--Less proud than they deem thee Phlox--Our souls are united Pimpernel--Change Pink--Pure affection Pink, Double Red--Pure, ardent love Pink, Indian--Aversion. Pink, Variegated--Refusal. Pink, White--You are fair Pomegranite--Fully Poppy--Consolation Primrose--Inconstancy Rhododendron--Agitation Rose, Austrian--Thou art all that's lovely Rose, Bridal--Happy love Rose, Cabbage--Ambassador of love Rose, China--Grace. Rose, Damask--Freshness. Rose, Jacqueminot--Mellow love. Rose, Maiden's Blush--If you _do_ love me, you will find me out Rose, Moss--Superior merit Rose, Moss Rosebud--Confession of love Rose, Sweet-briar--Sympathy Rose, Tea--Always lovely Rose, White--I am worthy of you Rose, York and Lancaster--War Rose, Wild--Simplicity Rue--Disdain Saffron--Excess is dangerous Sardonia--Irony Sensitive Plant--Timidity Snap-Dragon--Presumption Snowball--Thoughts of Heaven Snowdrop--Consolation Sorrel--Wit ill (poorly) timed Spearmint--Warm feelings Star of Bethlehem--Reconciliation Strawberry--Perfect excellence Sumac--Splendor Sunflower, Dwarf--Your devout admirer Sunflower, Tall--Pride Sweet William--Finesse Syringa--Memory Tansy--I declare against you Teazel--Misanthropy Thistle--Austerity Thorn Apple--Deceitful charms Touch-me-not--Impatience Trumpet-flower--Separation Tuberose--Dangerous pleasures Tulip--Declaration of love Tulip, Variegated--Beautiful eyes Tulip, Yellow--Hopeless love Venus' Flytrap--Have I caught you at last Venus' Looking-glass--Flattery Verbena--Sensibility Violet, Blue--Love Violet, White--Modesty Wallflower--Fidelity Weeping Willow--Forsaken Woodbine--Fraternal love Yew--Sorrow. Zennae--Absent friends |