Random Facts about Medical Terms TERMS USED IN MEDICINE Anthelmintics are medicines which have the power of destroying or expelling worms from the intestinal canal. Antiscorbutics are medicines which prevent or cure the scurvy. Antispasmodics are medicines given to relieve spasm, or irregular and painful action of the muscles or muscular fibers, as in Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, etc. Aromatics are medicines which have, a grateful smell and agreeable pungent taste. Astringents are those remedies which, when applied to the body, render the solids dense and firmer Carminatives are those medicines which dispel flatulency of the stomach and bowels. Cathartics are medicines which accelerate the action of the bowels, or increase the discharge by stool Demulcents are medicines suited to prevent the action of acrid and stimulating matters upon the mucous membranes of the throat, lungs, etc Diaphoretics are medicines that promote or cause perspirable discharge by the skin. Diuretics are medicines which increase the flow of urine by their action upon the kidneys. Emetics are those medicines which produce vomiting Emmenagogues are medicines which promote the menstrual discharge Emollients are those remedies which, when applied to the solids of the body, render them soft and flexible Errhines are substances which, when applied to the lining membrane of the nostrils, occasion a discharge of mucous fluid Epispastices are those which cause blisters when applied to the surface Escharotics are substances used to destroy a portion of the surface of the body, forming sloughs Expectorants are medicines capable of facilitating the excretion of mucous from the chest. Narcotics are those substances having the property of diminishing the action of the nervous and vascular systems, and of inducing sleep Rubefacients are remedies which excite the vessels of the skin and increase its heat and redness Sedatives are medicines which have the power of allaying the actions of the systems generally, or of lessening the exercise of some particular function Sialagogues are medicines which increase the flow of the saliva Stimulants are medicines capable of exciting the vital energy, whether as exerted in sensation or motion. Tonics are those medicines which increase the tone or healthy action, or strength of the living system |