Facts about
Indians Arkansas

Interesting Facts about Indians of Arkansas

Facts About...

Tribes of Indians

Interesting Facts about Indians of Arkansas
Unusual and interesting information and trivia from our collection of interesting facts about Indians of Arkansas. Perfect for fast homework help that is suitable for kids, children and adults.

Did you Know? List of Interesting Facts about Indians Arkansas
Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about Indians of Arkansas, trivia and information, including some useful statistics will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults. Facts about Indians and interesting Facts about Indians Arkansas
are as follows:

  • Fact 1 - Arkansas is a state in the a state in south central United States. The indigenous people of this state included various tribes of Native Americans.
  • Fact 2 - Origin of state's name: French interpretation of a Sioux word "acansa," meaning "downstream place."
  • Fact 3 - Features of the area: Eastern delta and prairie, southern lowland forests, north-western highlands including the Ozark plateaus
  • Fact 4 - Border States: Louisiana Mississippi Missouri Oklahoma Tennessee Texas


  • Fact 5 - The Caddo Indians are plains Indians related to the Wichita and Pawnee tribes
  • Fact 6 - The Chickasaw warred constantly with the Choctaw, the Creek, the Cherokee, and the Shawnee tribes. Their language, Chickasaw, is a Muskogean language closely related to that of the Choctaw. They were removed to Indian Territory to Oklahoma in the 1830s.
  • Fact 7 - The culture of the Osage Indians was marked by the combination of village agriculture and buffalo hunting. Their language is Siouan
  • Fact 8 - The Quapaw Indians are also called the Arkansas Indians. The state of Arkansas was named after the Quapaw, who were called Akansea or Akansa, meaning "land of the downriver people"
  • Fact 9 - The Tunica Biloxi Indians were hunter farmers and both the men and women planted and harvested crops such as corn, beans, and pumpkins
  • Fact 10 - The Cherokee Indians were one of the "Five Civilized Tribes", because they had assimilated cultural and customs of the white settlers and colonists. The Cherokee refer to themselves as the "Principal People"
  • Fact 11 - The "Five Civilized Tribes" were the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole
  • Fact 12 - Homes and Houses: Wattle and Daub Houses (Asi) were used by the Cherokee who wanted permanent homes to suit their farmer-hunter life styles
  • Fact 13 - Asi - Wattle and Daub Houses were made by using a framework of poles intertwined with branches and vines covered with mud
  • Fact 14 - Chickasaw villages were often surrounded by palisades to guard against attack
  • Fact 15 -
  • Fact 12 - Headdresses: Roach headdresses were worn by the Cherokee and other tribes of Arkansas which was made of a stiff thin strip of animal hair that goes over the top of the head. They were held open by comb-like objects, originally carved of antler. Roach headdresses stood straight up from the head like a tuft or crest and are closely associated with the Mohawk or Mohican tribes. Roach headdresses were made from a variety of hairs including white deer tail hair, often dyed red, moose-hair, porcupine hair and black turkey beard.
  • Fact 13 - Roach headdresses were attached to a scalp-lock to look like a crest, with the rest of the head probably shaven

Facts about Native Americans Arkansas
We have included a selection of trivia and interesting facts about Indians of Arkansas which we hope will be of help with homework. Most of these interesting facts about Indians Arkansas are quite amazing and some are little known pieces of trivia! Many of these interesting and random pieces of information and fun facts about Indians Arkansas and info will help you increase your knowledge on the subject of Indians Arkansas.

Facts about Indians Arkansas

  • Interesting facts about Native Americans of Arkansas
  • List of stats, trivia and facts about Indians from Arkansas
  • Interesting Facts about Native Americans Arkansas for kids and children
  • Fast Facts and Information on Indians from Arkansas
  • Awesome, cool facts for Homework Help
  • Fun, random trivia and facts about Indians Arkansas
  • Interesting facts about Native Americans from Arkansas

Information, Stats and Interesting Facts about Indians Arkansas

Interesting - Arkansas - Facts about Indians - Interesting - Arkansas - Food - Clothing - History - Clothes - Houses - Homes - Culture - Music - Religion - Beliefs - Life - Language - Tribe - Famous - Random - Info - Information - Accuracy - Little Known - True - Knowledge - Reference - Homework Help on Indians - Statistics - Arkansas - Fact File on Indians - Fact Sheet - Trivia on Indians - Children - Kids - Fast - Online - Free - On Line - Arkansas - Food - Clothing - History - Clothes - Houses - Homes - Culture - Music - Religion - Beliefs - Life - Language - Tribe - Famous - Random - Information - Info - Information - Accuracy - Cool - Little Known - True - Knowledge - Reference - Homework Help - Fact File on Indians - Fact Sheet on Arkansas - Trivia - Children - Kids - Fast - Online - Free - On Line - Definition - Facts about Arkansas Americans - Written By Linda Alchin

Information and Interesting Facts about Indians Arkansas

Interesting Facts about Indians Arkansas