Facts about
Indians Maryland

Interesting Facts about Indians of Maryland

Facts About...

Tribes of Indians

Interesting Facts about Indians of Maryland
Unusual and interesting information and trivia from our collection of interesting facts about Indians of Maryland. Perfect for fast homework help that is suitable for kids, children and adults.

Did you Know? List of Interesting Facts about Indians Maryland
Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about Indians of Maryland, trivia and information, including some useful statistics will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults.


 Facts about Indians and interesting Facts about Indians Maryland are as follows:

  • Fact 1 - Maryland is a state of the eastern US, on the Atlantic. The indigenous people of this state included various tribes of Indians. Northeastern Indians were the indigenous peoples of the Northeast of North America and Canada.
  • Fact 2 - These Indians were static Woodland tribes of hunter fishers. Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp and the women were in charge of the home and land



  • Fact 3 - Maryland - The Indians of Maryland were the Lenape, Nanticoke, Piscataway, Conoy, Powhatan, Accohannock, Shawnee, Susquehannock, Tutelo and Saponi tribes

  • Fact 4 - Names of Border States: Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia
  • Fact 5 - Origin of the name of the state: As a reference to Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of England's King Charles I
  • Fact 6 - Features of the area: Coastal plains, peidmont plateau, and the Blue Ridge, separated by the Cheasapeake Bay
  • Fact 7 - The Lenape tribe The Lenape, also referred to as Lenapi or the Delaware Indians, are a group of several organized bands. The "three sisters," corn (maize), beans and squash were the staples of their diet, supplemented by fish and game.
  • Fact 8 - The Nanticoke tribe Algonquian tribe living on Nanticoke River of Maryland, on the east shore. They were distinguished from neighboring tribes by a darker color. They were feared among other tribes as they were believed to practise witchcraft and known to use poison substances
  • Fact 9 - The Conoy tribe, also called Piscataway, tribe inhabited homelands on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. They farmed maize, squash, and beans as a supplement to their ordinary hunting-gathering diet of fish, game, and wild plants
  • Fact 10 - The Powhatan tribe occupied the Virginia counties east of Chesapeake Bay and included some tribes in lower Maryland.
  • Fact 11 - The Shawnee were Algonquian-speaking tribes who were spread over a widespread geographic area although their earliest known home was in the state of Ohio. Traditionally the Shawnee lived in bark-covered houses grouped into large villages near cornfields. Many Shawnee fought as allies of their French trading partners during the early years of the French and Indian War (aka Seven Years War). In fact, the warlike Shawnee participated in almost every war of the Old West. They were greatly feared as it was their custom to torture their prisoners.
  • Fact 12 - The Susquehannock tribe did not mix with other tribes and lived in fortified villages as illustrated below. Their name means "muddy water people," due to the Susquehanna River nearby. However, during the Beaver Wars of the 1650s, the Susquehannocks formed a short alliance with the Province of Maryland, receiving rifles and other European weapons to fight off the Iroquois Confederacy.

Susquehannock Fort

  • Fact 13 - The Eastern Woodlands was a cultural area of the indigenous peoples of North America extending roughly from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River, and from the Great Lakes region to the Gulf of Mexico

Facts about Native Americans Maryland
We have included a selection of trivia and interesting facts about Indians of Maryland which we hope will be of help with homework. Most of these interesting facts about Indians Maryland are quite amazing and some are little known pieces of trivia! Many of these interesting and random pieces of information and fun facts about Indians Maryland and info will help you increase your knowledge on the subject of Indians Maryland.

Facts about Indians Maryland

  • Interesting facts about Native Americans of Maryland
  • List of stats, trivia and facts about Indians from Maryland
  • Interesting Facts about Native Americans Maryland for kids and children
  • Fast Facts and Information on Indians from Maryland
  • Awesome, cool facts for Homework Help
  • Fun, random trivia and facts about Indians Maryland
  • Interesting facts about Native Americans from Maryland

Information, Stats and Interesting Facts about Indians Maryland

Interesting - Maryland - Facts about Indians - Interesting - Maryland - Food - Clothing - History - Clothes - Houses - Homes - Culture - Music - Religion - Beliefs - Life - Language - Tribe - Famous - Random - Info - Information - Accuracy - Little Known - True - Knowledge - Reference - Homework Help on Indians - Statistics - Maryland - Fact File on Indians - Fact Sheet - Trivia on Indians - Children - Kids - Fast - Online - Free - On Line - Maryland - Food - Clothing - History - Clothes - Houses - Homes - Culture - Music - Religion - Beliefs - Life - Language - Tribe - Famous - Random - Information - Info - Information - Accuracy - Cool - Little Known - True - Knowledge - Reference - Homework Help - Fact File on Indians - Fact Sheet on Maryland - Trivia - Children - Kids - Fast - Online - Free - On Line - Definition - Facts about Maryland Americans - Written By Linda Alchin

Information and Interesting Facts about Indians Maryland

Interesting Facts about Indians Maryland