Did you Know? List of Interesting Facts about the Amazon River Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Our unusual and interesting facts about the Amazon River, trivia and information, including some useful statistics will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults. Interesting Facts about the Amazon River are as follows: - Fact 1 - Definition of a River: It is a natural course of water, usually freshwater, flowing toward an ocean, a lake, a sea or another river (also see Facts about Rivers)
- Fact 2 - The Amazon is the major South American river based in the Amazon basin. It surrounds the Amazon Rainforest and covers territory belonging to nine nations: Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana
- Fact 3 - It arises in the Andes and flows eastward into the South Atlantic
- Fact 4 - It is characterized by extensive forested areas that become flooded every rainy season
- Fact 5 - It is the second longest river in the World approximately 6400 kilometres (4000 miles) - only the Nile, in Africa, is longer
- Fact 6 - Because it is so vast, it is sometimes called The River Sea.
- Fact 7 - More than 33% of all species in the world live in the Amazon Rainforest
- Fact 8 - anaconda snake is found in shallow waters in the Amazon Basin
- Fact 9 - Vicente Yanez Pinzon was the first European to sail into the waters in 1500. The first European to travel the length of the Amazon River was Francisco de Orellana in 1542
- Fact 10 - It flows through Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela
- Fact 11 - It has over 1,100 tributaries, 17 of which are over 1,500 kilometres long. A tributary is a stream, or smaller river, that flows into a main river
- Fact 12 - No bridges cross the River Amazon - there is no need because it runs through the rainforest rather than cities
- Fact 13 - The Amazon River is home to the piranha - a deadly meat eating fish
- Fact 14 - At its widest point the Amazon River can be 11km/6.8 mi wide during the dry season
- Fact 15 - The source of the Amazon River is Lago Villafro in the Andes Mountains, Peru.
- Fact 16 - The mouth of the Amazon River is Brazil into the Atlantic Ocean (delta)
- Fact 17 - The Amazon River is the principle path of transportation for people and produce with transport ranging from balsa rafts and dugout canoes to hand-built wooden rivercraft and modern steel hulled craft.
Facts about the Amazon River We have included a selection of trivia and interesting facts about the Amazon River which we hope will be of help with homework. Most of these interesting facts are quite amazing and some are little known pieces of trivia! Many of these interesting and random pieces of information and fun facts about the Amazon River and info will help you increase your knowledge on the subject of the Amazon River. |